Our Spirituality
The Sisters of the Poor began through the inspiration Sister Ursula received and the determination Sister Ursula felt in he heart to help people less fortunate than her. A group of ordinary people in mid-Missouri met her and heard her story, and listened with their hearts. God moved their hearts at just the right time.
The Sisters of the Poor Foundation board members and volunteers felt a tug on their hearts and responded to help build a convent and clinic for the Sisters. The building effort and fundraising had begun 11 years prior, but was moving slowly. Fueled by the inspiration and grace of God, they worked until the convent and clinic were completed in 2021.
Sister Ursula is an example of a woman who is walking the path laid out for her by God. She is an educated woman, a teacher, who chooses to instead beg for food and supplies for others because she has a heart for the less fortunate. What would you sacrifice to follow your calling? Could you imagine sacrificing your education and fruitful career, putting aside your needs to help others? That is exactly what Sister does.
Your support for Sister Ursula and the Sisters of the Poor of Akabaliki means that someone who might go hungry will have a meal. It means that someone who needs medical care will be given the opportunity to have recover and flourish. The basic needs we often take for granted are special, precious privileges in Abakaliki.
We ask that you consider in your heart helping through continued prayer, a donation, or sharing her story. We believe Sister’s work is in obedience to God, a duty to take care of one another.
Bishop Recommendation

Prayer Requests
If you would like to support Sister Ursula’s work in your daily prayers, please pray:
- For the protection of the children and people of Abakaliki
- That blessings on the poor be many
- That the sick be healed
- That those grieving be soothed
- That those in pain would find relief
- That those who hunger be nourished
- That those who thirst have that thirst quenched
Prayer to St. Veronica
O My Jesus, Saint Veronica served You on the way to Calvary by wiping Your beloved face with a towel on which Your sacred image then appeared. She protected this treasure, and whenever people touched it, they were miraculously healed. I ask her to pray for the growth of my ability to see Your sacred image in others, to recognize their hurts, to stop and join them on their difficult journeys, and to feel the same compassion for them as she did for you. Show me how to wipe their faces, serve their needs, and heal their wounds, reminding me that as I do this for them, I also do this for You. Saint Veronica, pray for me. Amen.
Prayer to St. Veronica, saint of Kindness and CharityPrayer to Our Lady for the Sisters of the Poor
Most Holy Virgin Mary,
Help of Christians,
How sweet it is to come to your feet, imploring your perpetual help for the people of Abakaliki.
If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children, how can you, the most loving of all mothers, forget us?
Grant then to all, we implore you, your perpetual help in all their necessities, in every sorrow, and especially in all their temptations.
We ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering. Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.
Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life of the Sisters of the Poor.
Grant the graces Sister needs in her work and grant us the graces to know how to best help her.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians, that having invoked you on earth,
we may love and eternally thank you in heaven.
Thank you for your motherly care.
Keep us always close to Jesus.
Adapted from a prayer by St. John Bosco